INTERLINKED PTY LTD (ABN 71 124 879 410)


Interlinked is committed to delivering a high quality service to our clients, and using all feedback including complaints, we are committed to continuously evaluate and improve the services we offer.

This policy sets out how you can make complaints to Interlinked and have your concerns addressed.

2. What Is A Complaint?

We see a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction or grievance made to us about any of our products and services, or the way we have managed a complaint.

3. The Steps We Take To Resolve Your Complaints

We will try to resolve your complaint as soon as it is raised. However, if we need to
investigate it further, we’ll aim to resolve it, or tell you what we are doing to resolve it, within three working days.

The time we spend to investigate a complaint is determined by its complexity. Simple, straightforward complaints can often be resolved on first contact. If this is not possible we will investigate to make sure we have all the relevant information. This could include interviewing you and the staff member(s) involved. We aim to conclude our investigations within two working days.

Once we resolve the matter with you, we’ll aim to finish all steps to deliver the resolution within 1 working day. We’ll only implement the resolution once it has been accepted by you.

4. How Can You Make A Complaint?

If you would like to make a complaint or would like to check the progress of an existing complaint, please contact is using one of the following methods:

Phone: 1300 302 207. Speak to reception and advise them that you wish to make a complaint.


Fax: 1300 362 692

Disability Services

Relay Service: We can be contacted through the National Relay Service on 133 677 or by using the Internet Relay Service .

Translating and Interpreting: The Department of Immigration and Border Protection provides a Translation and Interpreting Service (TIS National) free to non-English speakers. Call TIS on 131 450 and request to be connected to Interlinked on 1300 302 207.