Case Study

Elias Gates




Elias Gates

Updating to the latest version of a legal practice management system was supposed to be easy. However Elias Gates quickly realised in order to upgrade LEAP Legal Software, they needed an upgrade of their infrastructure to ensure compatibility.

Elias Gates is an Australian legal firm that has been operating from Sydney for over 35 years. The organisation needed a partner that could conduct an audit and recommend the best path to a secure environment that would work with LEAP and be fit for a modern workplace.

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Legal Industry expertise

Interlinked’s experience in the legal sector means it is well versed with LEAP Legal Software, compatibility requirements and best practice for top tier data security.


Seamless IT and Telecom upgrade

An audit of Elias Gates revealed more than a system upgrade. Interlinked lead the firm through a seamless upgrade of their telecommunications, too.

Full ownership and accountability

Managing the entire environment allows Interlinked to take fully accountability, ensure all applications integrate effectively and deliver the best value to the customer.

At Elias Gates, the challenge of maintaining round-the-clock operations was paramount. Specialising in a wide range of legal services, the firm required an IT infrastructure that could support their constant availability and secure handling of sensitive client information.

Initially hampered by outdated IT solutions that offered only temporary fixes, Elias Gates recognised the need for a substantial upgrade when it was time to upgrade their LEAP Legal Software. Interlinked stepped in, not just as a solution provider, but as a transformative partner. Following a thorough audit of the firm’s office hardware and software, critical areas for improvement were identified.

To ensure uninterrupted service, Interlinked replaced the firm’s outdated server with a cloud-based solution. This strategic move guaranteed operational continuity, even in the event of an outage, with all data securely backed up in the cloud.

Recognising the firm’s computers were outdated, Interlinked equipped Elias Gates with new Dell computers. These machines featured advanced and efficient technology, tailored to meet the demands of a high-paced legal environment.

The upgrade didn’t end there. As a law firm handling sensitive data, robust security was non-negotiable. Interlinked delivered top-tier security software, including necessary antivirus programs and firewall upgrades, fortifying the firm’s defences against any cyber threats.

To streamline internal and client communications, Interlinked implemented a 3CX solution, facilitating effective and seamless connections within the firm and with their clients.

All that was needed then, was reliable and fast business grade internet. Interlinked installed a dedicated 1GB Network Connection with NBN Backup, preparing Elias Gates for the new world of work.

This partnership has set a new standard for legal firms seeking to modernise and secure their operations in today’s fast-paced, digitally-driven world.

It’s not just us calling them saying that we have a problem. They’ll often call us and say, ‘We’ve noticed this or how is everything going? Are there any hiccups? Is there any feedback that we should be made aware of?’

Jon-Pierre Elias, Solicitor, Elias Gates